Automatic Pump Pressure Control Switch
Automatic Pressure Control Switch connects to the discharge of the water pump and operates with an electronic circuit board to sense the pressure and flow in the system. It automatize the starting and stopping operations of water pump with regard to a stop in pressure (opening of the taps) and to stopping of the flow through the system (closing the taps), respectively.
The benefit to have this Automatic Pressure Control? for water pump you will have the constant pressure while you're using the tap. This is great when you're in the shower for you will have constant pressure. No pressure fluctuations and no water temperature changes. The Electronic System also provides for loss of prime or run dry protection. This means that the pump will stop operate when you run out of tank water.
If you need advice or assistance to choose the correct pump for your need or simply have some inquiry, please call us on 02 96832253or email your name and contact number at and we will contact you shortly.